Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors are very simple life saving devices that are required by the code to be installed in a specific locations. Some smoke detectors also have carbon monoxide detection built into the same unit, referred to as a “combination detector”.

The location of smoke detectors are a little specific, but generally they are required inside each bedroom, and 1 within 10ft outside of each bedroom. If there are no bedrooms on a floor of a home, then there must be one on that floor as well.

We can offer assistance in making sure your home is protected from fires and carbon monoxide. We do this by checking the location of these units and the age of them and making recommendations. We are also able to get those units in very hard to reach areas.

These detectors come in battery, hardwired, or 10 year sealed battery options. The first two styles will require changing a battery every 6 month to 1 year. The 10 year sealed battery, while more expensive, does not require any batteries to be changed and will last for 10 years without needing to think about it.

What to expect:

We absolutely can! It is definitely more cost effective for the customer to provide them, but we can help make the right choice to protect your home.

Do you provide the detectors?

can you change the batteries?

We can provide that service for you, but we often recommend getting a neighbor or friend since it is a very easy job and you can save yourself some money.

Companies recommend every 10 years to replace them with new ones. If you notice they are yellow in color, it is time to change them. Some detectors have a date on the back of them telling you when they were installed/manufactured.

when should I change my detectors?